“He posseses beauty without vanity, strenght without insolence, courage without ferocity;
and all the virtues of man without his vices”
(Lord Byron)
For us is important taking care of our pets as the same way we are taking care of Our Clients, offering them, and also to their Owners , different services to help them during the holiday. The fenced garden, give them the possibility to run and play open air , with no probelms.
Also our fenced pool, help us to avoid unpleasant situations.

We usually offer, if needed, dogs bowls for food and water and a Guide where Our Guests can find some information to organize the holiday with our PETS (Pet Friendly restaurants, path/walking for dogs, vets…)
To guarantee tranquility and carefreeness to Our Guests and their PETS, we established some important rules:
Dogs are welcome also int the restaurant area, only with leash.
It is not allowed to enter with the dog in the pool area.
The Owners of the dogs/cats must always collect the dropping of the PET.
What are you waiting for? Come to visit us to live your best experience with your PET!